Blackpool An Example That Other Lower League Clubs Must Emulate.

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We knew they had something special about them. No-one thought that they had this in them though. Written off without a chance, relegation favourites, no-hopers. It all sounds strangely familiar, that was the story last year, we should have known. Blackpool continue to defy expectations. Proudly sitting 9th in the Premier League, they are flying higher than the famous tower at the moment. They were under-dogs last season but this campaign, with the big-boys, they shouldnt have stood a chance. Ian Holloway was defiant. His team wouldnt pay more than 10,000 in wages. They were in the big league but Blackpool were not about to bankrupt themselves by striving too hard for succe s. At first it didnt look like it would work. Nobody wanted to sign; the wages Pablo Reyes Jersey Blackpool were willing to pay werent big enough for these proven Premier League talents used to the over-inflated salaries a sociated with Englands top division.Eventually though, it clicked together. 9 new players, no stars, but young prospects and journeyman with points to prove, joined up with the previous promotion squad. Marlon Harewood, DJ Campbell and Luke Varney were the biggest names, all strikers, but they were hardly likely to leave the internationally acclaimed centre backs in the division scared. Harewood hadnt impre sed of late, Campbell had only briefly played at this level and Varney came, on loan, from Derby, in the Championship.This team just continues to impre s though, playing good football in a gloriously attacking formation they are fast becoming everyones second favourite team. Everyone except Preston fans, of course.Holloway has something at Blackpool that is the envy of every lower league fan. A team of players that shouldnt be competitive at that level are looking comfortable in their new surroundings. Numerous examples of players that have never managed to cut it in divisions that cannot boast the same standard of football as the Premier Dario Agrazal Jersey League look at home playing against the likes of Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool. Charlie Adam was an SPL failure. DJ Campbell was a Championship failure. Luke Varney was a Championship failure. Marlon Harewood was, simply, a failure. Heck, Alex John-Baptise was relegated to the Conference with Mansfield.Even the manager wasnt supposed to know anything about tactics. His post-match pre s conferences might have been entertaining but he wasnt supposed to have the tactical genius of a Ferguson, the transfer knowledge of a Redknapp or the footballing philosophies of a Wenger. Yet he has proven beyond any doubt that he is in-fact, a brilliant manager. What he has achieved Blackpool is nothing short of remarkable and no longer should he be known as the funny-man.The fact they have done this without risking the clubs financial stability is even more astounding. How many times will a club gain promotion, spend way over their budget and simply go back down next season and find themselves in financial difficulty? Blackpool havent spent huge amounts of players, they have invested in a new stand, new training facilities and have used the money to improve the long-term future of the club.Blackpool are distinctive in more ways the one. Their brightly colouredtangerine shirts make them stand out but it is their football that is shining through at the moment. All of a sudden a small club, more famous for a pier than a football team, have aclub to be proud of. One that is punching miles above its weight and still managing to compete. Blackpool have transformed themselves from an ordinary football club to one that every ambitious lower league club must try Dave Parker Jersey to emulate.
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